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Authorised Deanery signatories

Only the authorised signatories listed below can complete and sign the Deanery part of the MTI application form.

East Midlands Postgraduate Dean Jonathan Corne
East Midlands Associate Postgraduate Dean Caroline Brown
East of England Associate Dean Dr Fraz Mir
East of England Deputy Dean Dr Rowan Burnstein
Kent Surrey Sussex Postgraduate Dean Prof. Jo Szram
Kent Surrey Sussex Deputy Postgraduate Dean Prof. Christopher Warwick
Kent Surrey Sussex Deputy Postgraduate Dean Dr Sarah Rafferty
London (North) Postgraduate Dean Dr Gary Wares
London (North Central) Deputy Dean Prof. Vivienne Curtis
London (North East) Deputy Postgraduate Dean Louise Schofield
London (North West) Deputy Postgraduate Dean Richard Bogle
London (South) Interim Postgraduate Dean Dr Elizabeth Carty
London (South East) Deputy Dean Dr Cleave Gass
London (South West) Deputy Postgraduate Dean Bhanu Williams
North East Postgraduate Dean Prof. Namita Kumar
North East Deputy Dean Dr Richard Bellamy
North West Postgraduate Dean Roisin Haslett
North West Associate Dean Dr Aruna Hodgson
Northern Ireland Interim Postgraduate Dean Camille Harron
Scotland Postgraduate Dean & Director of PG GP Education Prof. Nitin Gambhir
Scotland Postgraduate Dean Prof. Adam Hill (Surgery, Medicine, Anaesthetics, EM and ICM)
Scotland Postgraduate Dean Prof Alan Denison (Diagnostics, O&G and Paeds)
Scotland Deputy Local Dean Director Dr Marion Slater
Scotland Deputy Local Dean Director Dr Greg Jones
Scotland Deputy Local Dean Director Mr Alastair Murray
Scotland APGD Judith Anderson (Royal College Radiologists, Royal College Pathologists)
Scotland APGD Leela Narayanan (Royal College Radiologists, Royal College Pathologists)
Scotland APGD Tom Fardon (Royal College Radiologists, Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
Scotland APGD Ralph Bouhaider (Royal College Radiologists, Royal College Pathologists)
Scotland APGD Clair Evans (Royal College Pathologists)
Scotland APGD Russell Duncan (Royal College Pathologists)
Scotland APGD Claire Alexander (Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
Scotland APGD Chris Lilley (Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
South West Primary Care Dean Lizzie Eley
South West Regional Postgraduate Dean Geoff Smith
Thames Valley Associate Dean Asif Ali (Histopathology, ACCS, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry)
Thames Valley Deputy Dean Rebecca Black ( Ophthalmology)
Thames Valley Associate Dean Julia Newton (Surgery, Radiology, Anaesthetics, Paediatrics)
Thames Valley Associate Dean Garyfallia Fountoulaki (Medicine, O&G)
Thames Valley Postgraduate Dean Paul Sadler
Wales Interim Postgraduate Dean Anton Saayman
Wales Helen Baker
Wessex Postgraduate Dean Paul Sadler
Wessex Associate Dean Philip Rushton
Wessex Associate Dean Guhan Viswesvariah
West Midlands Postgraduate Dean Andy Whallett
West Midlands Primary Care Dean and Deputy Postgraduate Dean Fiona Sellers
Yorkshire and the Humber Deputy Dean Fiona Bishop
Yorkshire and the Humber Deputy Dean Jon Hossain
Yorkshire and the Humber Deputy Dean Willy Pillay
Yorkshire and the Humber Postgraduate Dean Jon Cooper
Yorkshire and the Humber Deputy Postgraduate Dean Caroline Mills