Authorised Deanery signatories
Only the authorised signatories listed below can complete and sign the Deanery part of the MTI application form.
East Midlands | Postgraduate Dean | Jonathan Corne | |
East Midlands | Associate Postgraduate Dean | Caroline Brown | |
East of England | Associate Dean | Dr Fraz Mir | |
East of England | Deputy Dean | Dr Rowan Burnstein | |
Kent Surrey Sussex | Postgraduate Dean | Prof. Jo Szram | |
Kent Surrey Sussex | Deputy Postgraduate Dean | Prof. Christopher Warwick | |
Kent Surrey Sussex | Deputy Postgraduate Dean | Dr Sarah Rafferty | |
London (North) | Postgraduate Dean | Dr Gary Wares | |
London (North Central) | Deputy Dean | Prof. Vivienne Curtis | |
London (North East) | Deputy Postgraduate Dean | Louise Schofield | |
London (North West) | Deputy Postgraduate Dean | Richard Bogle | |
London (South) | Interim Postgraduate Dean | Dr Elizabeth Carty | |
London (South East) | Deputy Dean | Dr Cleave Gass | |
London (South West) | Deputy Postgraduate Dean | Bhanu Williams | |
North East | Postgraduate Dean | Prof. Namita Kumar | |
North East | Deputy Dean | Dr Richard Bellamy | |
North West | Postgraduate Dean | Roisin Haslett | |
North West | Associate Dean | Dr Aruna Hodgson | |
Northern Ireland | Interim Postgraduate Dean | Camille Harron | |
Scotland | Postgraduate Dean & Director of PG GP Education | Prof. Nitin Gambhir | |
Scotland | Postgraduate Dean | Prof. Adam Hill (Surgery, Medicine, Anaesthetics, EM and ICM) | |
Scotland | Postgraduate Dean | Prof Alan Denison (Diagnostics, O&G and Paeds) | |
Scotland | Deputy Local Dean Director | Dr Marion Slater | |
Scotland | Deputy Local Dean Director | Dr Greg Jones | |
Scotland | Deputy Local Dean Director | Mr Alastair Murray | |
Scotland | APGD | Judith Anderson (Royal College Radiologists, Royal College Pathologists) | |
Scotland | APGD | Leela Narayanan (Royal College Radiologists, Royal College Pathologists) | |
Scotland | APGD | Tom Fardon (Royal College Radiologists, Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) | |
Scotland | APGD | Ralph Bouhaider (Royal College Radiologists, Royal College Pathologists) | |
Scotland | APGD | Clair Evans (Royal College Pathologists) | |
Scotland | APGD | Russell Duncan (Royal College Pathologists) | |
Scotland | APGD | Claire Alexander (Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) | |
Scotland | APGD | Chris Lilley (Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) | |
South West | Primary Care Dean | Lizzie Eley | |
South West | Regional Postgraduate Dean | Geoff Smith | |
Thames Valley | Associate Dean | Asif Ali (Histopathology, ACCS, Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry) | |
Thames Valley | Deputy Dean | Rebecca Black ( Ophthalmology) | |
Thames Valley | Associate Dean | Julia Newton (Surgery, Radiology, Anaesthetics, Paediatrics) | |
Thames Valley | Associate Dean | Garyfallia Fountoulaki (Medicine, O&G) | |
Thames Valley | Postgraduate Dean | Paul Sadler | |
Wales | Interim Postgraduate Dean | Anton Saayman | |
Wales | Helen Baker | ||
Wessex | Postgraduate Dean | Paul Sadler | |
Wessex | Associate Dean | Philip Rushton | |
Wessex | Associate Dean | Guhan Viswesvariah | |
West Midlands | Postgraduate Dean | Andy Whallett | |
West Midlands | Primary Care Dean and Deputy Postgraduate Dean | Fiona Sellers | |
Yorkshire and the Humber | Deputy Dean | Fiona Bishop | |
Yorkshire and the Humber | Deputy Dean | Jon Hossain | |
Yorkshire and the Humber | Deputy Dean | Willy Pillay | |
Yorkshire and the Humber | Postgraduate Dean | Jon Cooper | |
Yorkshire and the Humber | Deputy Postgraduate Dean | Caroline Mills |